Saturday, March 15, 2008


Will the UK's no.1 music mag publish this letter?

Dear Q,
Rumour has it you may have run out of inspiration for your beloved "Best Of" lists.
Here's an about "The 50 Best Q Best Of Lists Ever"?
Bet your palms are all sweaty with excitement already.
Claude Carpentieri
And hey I didn't mention the virus-like proliferation of [...pat pat...] Q Awards for inspiration, legend, myth, legacy, ancestry and pedigree (forgive me if I left one or two out). And don't call it lazy journalism. It takes some beef to come up with two-dimensional reviews. Take your pick. "Northern lads with super-human self-belief and indomitable spirit who tell it like this". Or '80s legends that "tapped into the mood of a divided nation that just elected Thatcher".

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